Monday, July 18, 2005

Sir Edward Heath dies

The second greatest British traitor to ever govern Britain as prime minister died last night. Yes I am talking about Sir Edward Heath who was 89 last week. He was responsible for taking us into the EU therefore he is the prime minister where the treason began. I hope he will be remembered for his treacherous ways and I will not shed one tear for this man. If I could get to his grave I would spit on it. I hope when future generations realise what he did to this wonderful country the aniversary of his death will become a national holiday.

I and probably many others are happy at his death but angry at the legacy he left for future generations. The legacy of surrender as our leaders since his time have surrendered more and more of our sovereignty to the EU. The only bigger traitor than Sir Edward Heath is Tony Blair.

This poem seems like a good one for his death:

"Epitaph on the Politician" by Hilaire Belloc

Here richly, with
ridiculous display,
The Politician's corpse
was laid away.
While all of his acquaintance sneered and slanged
I wept: for I had longed
to see him hanged.

1 comment:

The Sparky said...

Hard to disagree both Heath and Blair sold the UK down the road, the country is unrecognisable to what it was only 40 years ago!

The EU and New Labour is out to destroy us, we must try with all our might to stop them. I hope it is not too late!
Thanks for putting my link on your site I'll do the same for yours. The Sparky