Monday, July 07, 2008

EU rules mean 400 Britons go without liver

Thanks to EU rules European Union citizens can come to this country and get healthcare. While 400 britons could have a new liver now they don’t. Instead Greek and Cypriot patients have them.

If you are on the waiting for a liver and you are probably going to wait years you know who to blame. If you want to get treated as soon as possible you should dump Labour and the EU.

2823 laws in one year

Gordon Brown has entered the record books by introducing 2,823 new laws during his first year in office.

Gordon Brown has introduced 2,823 laws during his first year in office, the highest rate for new legislation by anyone at No 10. He set his record despite repeated promises to cut red tape.

If Parliament never had any days off and worked every single day this would mean that they pass about 8 new laws per day. It is obvious that even if this was the case no MP could read every single new law yet they are all passed. Shouldn’t the government read these laws before they are passed so that he can actually see if they are needed?

What we need in this country is the government actually scrutinising these laws and not just passing them without reading them. We need the speed of legislation to slow so this can be achieved.

Government rewarding incompetence

I think we can all agree that the government and their employees are doing a terrible job but civil servants are being paid £128 million in bonuses.

The National Audit Office has refused to approve the accounts of the treasury but civil servants in the Treasury still managed to receive £21 million in bonuses. Why are they getting this when in the private sector any business that couldn’t have its accounts signed off by auditors would be a failure?

It hasn’t been a particularly good year for the military but civil servants still managed to get £41 million in bonuses. All this is doing is paying for failure.

News roundup 81

NHS dentistry shake-up fails as one million fewer get treatment. Thanks Labour.

Woman took out false loans to pay for grandmother's Alzheimer's drugs the NHS denied her. I don’t think she is a criminal. It’s the equivalent of stealing bread to feed your family.

Polyclinics will damage patient care, say doctors. The government hope that it will happen.

Tory councils urged to block Labour vanity projects. I hope they do.

After years of working for free, Down's syndrome man must PAY to wash councillors' dishes. Disgraceful! They are not fit to kiss his feet!

Russian spies leaving the door open for terrorists in Britain. We should be forcing them to leave.

Push for green biofuels 'has put food prices up by massive 75%'. It’s time to stop with biofuels. They do more harm than good.

Petrol price increase will mean 'extra £34 a month for average family'. Labour just trying to price you out of buying a car.

Government asks stores to stockpile food to overcome hauliers strike. Let’s hope they go along with it.

Call for sex lessons at age four. That is far too young.

Long queues and high prices sees children shun school canteen for cheap junk food. Let them eat what they want.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Another stupid EU directive

The European Union seems to be poking their noses in a lot of places where they are not wanted lately. According to Directive 2001/84/EC from the EU every time a piece of art is sold the artist must get a royalty. Why is this law? You don’t see this happening in other industries. Why aren’t builders given a royalty every time a house is sold? Why aren’t car manufacturers given a royalty every time someone buys their car from an individual? I could go on forever naming other industries but I won’t. I think you understand that this is stupid.

You would think with these stupid ideas our government would want to hand over less power. Not so I am afraid. Our foreign secretary David Milliband wants our army to be part of an EU army. We already know that he is a traitor but this goes far beyond treason. He doesn’t want our country to control our own military. He wants it to be controlled by a foreign government. Can we call ourselves independent when that happens?

Bad week for EU

It’s been a bad week for the European Union. Their constitution is being destroyed. The Polish president has said that he will not sign the EU treaty which will completely stop any ratification from going forward.

The Europhiles are of course livid and hysterical. French MEP Jamie Smyth doesn’t like what has happened and hates referendums calling them 'a tool for dictators' because only the Irish people voted against it but that’s only because no other country was given a chance. When the French and Dutch voted they said no too but Mr Smyth conveniently forgets that. I am sure if everyone was allowed to vote everyone would vote no.

Could this lead to NHS privatisation?

New rights for patients to shop around Europe for the best healthcare are part of a new "Social Agenda" launched in Brussels.

If approved by EU governments, the controversial move would guarantee that costs are covered by the patient's own national health scheme back home.

The plan follows years of legal cases in which European court judges have ruled that freedom to cross EU borders for the best or quickest treatment should be a right for all.

But the measure would have safeguards - costs would be reimbursed in line with similar costs which would be incurred if the treatment was carried out at home, and repayment would only apply to those having healthcare insurance in their own country.

This sounds good but it is not. I think Britain is the only country in Europe with free healthcare and this could be jeopardised by this ‘new right’. The NHS has a limited amount of money. They are not a bottomless money pot. If people can go abroad it will mean that the NHS has to spend even more money whereas now they have a waiting list where they perform operations and treatment when they can afford to.

If this was to happen often the government would say the NHS has gone bankrupt or is close to it and they will tell us that they have no other option but to privatise it. In reality they know this but they want to try and make money off us as fast as they can.

Pray to Allah or detention!

Two schoolboys were
given detention after refusing to kneel down and 'pray to Allah' during a religious education lesson.

Parents were outraged that the two boys from year seven (11 to 12-year-olds) were punished for not wanting to take part in the practical demonstration of how Allah is worshipped.

They said forcing their children to take part in the exercise at Alsager High School, near Stoke-on-Trent - which included wearing Muslim headgear - was a breach of their human rights.

Who do these people think they are? They have no right forcing children to pray to Allah. They are not Muslims. The teacher who did this should be sacked on the spot. Fortunately there is a lot of BNP support in Stoke and this will just get even more support to come forward for the BNP.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Making the poor even worse off

Faced with rising heating and food bills the government is planning to make elderly people even poorer. The government no longer want to be embarrassed by the elderly who can’t afford to pay council tax so they are going to take it directly from your bank account.

Now, the elderly will have to choose from eating, keeping warm and paying their council tax. It’s not really a choice because they’ll take your money to pay for the council tax so you won’t have any money for heating or eating. If you are poor (which you probably are if you can’t pay) and you don’t have the money in the bank account will that mean that you have to go into your overdraft? Does that mean that they will have to shell out more money in fines for going over their overdraft limit making them even poorer?

During the winter when you have no money to heat your home or feed yourself because your council took your money you will know who to blame. Prison would be more humane. At least there you get food and a place to keep warm.

Was he bribed?

Was Keith Vaz bribed into supporting the 42 day detention bill? The evidence points to a bribe but I don’t think anything can be done about it. You can’t really prove this type of stuff.

The evidence shows that Geoff Hoon sent him a letter after the vote telling him that he would be appropriately rewarded for his help during the vote. A few days later he gets a nice new office. While it does look suspicious would he really change his mind just to get a new office? Surely he must be getting something else if he was bribed? Look out for the honours list.

This solves nothing

The Conservative party have launched their policy for English votes on English laws. Only it isn’t that. It’s a cop out. Scottish MPs will still get to vote on all legislation. The only difference being is that they can’t vote on it at committee stage. This policy solves nothing.

What we need is real English devolution. This won’t lead to the end of the union and if it does then the union must be in a fragile state through successive government misrule and should maybe end if it’s that fragile.

MPs want more from us

MPs are trying to take the public for a ride again. This time they want more money so they can spend it on plush new offices after some MPs said they couldn’t afford their own office. Instead of giving them more money why not just have the local council in their constituency give them an office at a reduced rent? Local councils have a lot of property which they own. I am sure they could find something.

Sir Christopher Kelly, the chairman of the Committee on Standards in Public Life has criticised Michael Martin’s review of MPs expenses, rightly so. You can’t really review something when you’re feeding from the same trough. It should be done independently.

There are some things that people are making a big deal over but there isn’t anything wrong with it. Some MPs are employing family members. I don’t see it as a big deal as long as the family members are actually doing the job they were employed to do. If the public are concerned the most that should be done is make it public and if their constituents don’t like it they can kick them out at the next election.

Bad week for Labour

It has been a terrible week for Labour and it probably won’t get any better for them. Peter Hain has been interviewed by police over political donations totalling £103,000. He could go to prison but I somehow think that Labour will get out of it.

Labour isn’t having much luck in elections either. They have come behind the BNP in atleast 4 elections and it will probably happen in more. Gordon Brown has had to order a rushed campaign in Scotland to fill the vacant seat after David Marshall stepped down apparently the result of ill health which could have been caused by being found out to be a sleazy bastard but who knows?

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Police using bikes to fight cost of petrol

I said yesterday that some police forces had to cut front line jobs because of the rising cost of fuel. I said that I would make them ride a bike. Unfortunately in one police force it didn’t seem likely because the police would have to pass a cycling proficiency test. You can read that here.

Fortunately the Devon and Cornwall police are a bit more intelligent and have decided that its time to order 120 bikes to cut their fuel bill which is due to rise by £300,000.

I am glad that a police force has decided to take common sense route.

The government and their priorities

It seems that stopping people smoking is more important in the government’s list of priorities than reducing assaults.

Despite a Government poll showing community safety was voters' overwhelming priority, anti-crime initiatives will not be the main focus of authorities.

While reducing "serious acquisitive crime" such as thefts from cars was sixth, cutting the rate of "assault with injury" was 13th and domestic violence 20th.

Considered a higher priority than both by most councils were stopping smoking. Isn’t it wonderful to see the government getting their priorities in order?

29,000 criminals released early

It looks like the government have underestimated the amount of criminals that will benefit from early release. They estimated that 25,500 criminals would be freed in 12 months but that total was breached in April's figures, just 10 months into operation. They have actually freed more than 29,000 including 2 terrorists and someone who went on to rape.

The policy is not going to be reviewed until September 2009 and by that time 70,000 prisoners could be released to commit more crime. If you are ever a victim of a crime committed by someone that should have been in prison you know who to blame.

The real reason behind eco towns

Eco towns will be built regardless of whether local communities want them. They aren’t being built because they are environmentally friendly or offer sustainable living. Most of the new towns will leave residents’ car dependent and most are not even within walking distance of a train station. Eco towns have never been about sustainable living. They are about something completely different.

Labour knows that soon they will be out of the job unless they do something. Immigrants need homes and these homes are being built to accommodate them. These new immigrants are going to owe their places in this country to Labour and they will know that so will vote accordingly which is why Labour are going to force the proposals through before the Conservatives can even attempt to stop them. The government can’t have anyone wrecking their plans. They want this to happen so badly that they are going to sell Ministry of Defence land for the ecotowns to be built on. To ever have a chance of getting in power again they have to import more voters. It’s the only way and they know this.

Billions wasted in disability benefits

Disability benefits
are costing taxpayers an extra £3.1billion a year under Labour - and a major factor is a massive rise in the number of claimants who are drug addicts and alcoholics, according to newly released documents.

Over the past ten years, the Disability Living Allowance (DLA) budget has soared from £5.7billion to £8.8billion a year - enough to build 20 new 'super hospitals'.

And papers released under the Freedom of Information Act disclose that the number of drug addicts and alcoholics claiming the £60-a-week payment has risen five-fold, from 3,000 in 1997 to almost 17,000 last year.

Why are we giving these people more money which will just go towards feeding their addiction? Being an addict is NOT a disability. It is of your own doing. Anyone claiming to be an addict should be given help whether they want that help or not.

Giving these people any money is almost as bad as giving Abu Qatada £8,000 in incapacity benefit every year. This man and his family should get nothing. His household income will now be over £50,000 and most of this is proably because he won’t stop breeding.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

News roundup 80

Four-year-old threatened with Asbo for playing football in the street. Don’t they have anything better to do?

Leeches empty blood truck’s fuel tank. Bastards.

Girl, 10, fights for life after mother dies in crash with fire engine responding to hoax 999. Shoot the hoaxers.

'English hater' lands in court. Let’s see how she likes it back where she came from.

Sex and porn shame of councillor. Why is it always councillors?

Caught in the act: The 'gipsy' child thieves who could teach Fagin a trick or two. Send them to youth prison and deport their parents.

Muslims outraged at police advert featuring cute puppy sitting in policeman's hat. Tell them to shut up.

Record numbers of foreign criminals removed from Britain. Still not enough.

The bulb hoarders. I should have thought of that.

Report blows hole in wind power plan. Somehow wind power doesn’t seem that good anymore.

Hutton eyes coal to replace imports of gas. We’ll either have to import coal or import workers to min coal seeing as the coal miners of the 80s are probably too old.

America's fury as Hamza smuggles hate messages to Bin Laden's No 2... From UK jail cell. Why can’t we just give him to America?

Al-Qa'eda style terrorists planning UK attacks with ambulances bought on eBay. Alqaeda, ambulances and eBay. Never thought they would be in the same sentence.

Britain facing terrorist threat until 2038, former top cop warns. Remove al the Muslims and problem solved.

Terror chief warns of 9/11 style attacks on Britain by bombers in private jets. It will probably happen sometime.

Muslim convert 'left hoax bomb message'. Send him to an Islamic country. See how he likes it there.

Labour no longer trusted

Labour is no longer the party trusted to bring in the health reforms that are needed to safeguard the NHS for future generations, a poll for The Daily Telegraph shows.

Barely one in five people believe the Labour party will deliver a better health service over the next ten years, the You Gov poll shows.

Why would anyone trust Labour anymore when their much publicised deep clean has been exposed as a sham and political stunt? A lot of hospitals were found not to be using chemicals that were needed to be effective in the fight against superbugs. Almost a fifth of hospitals admitted using steam clean even though it has been proven to be ineffective.

The Labour party are useless and should not be trusted with something as important as the NHS. They have shown themselves to be incompetent in all areas of life.

Police having a bad time

It’s not a good time for the police. They are starting to suffer from higher prices just like everyone else. The police are being forced to cut front line jobs to save on the cost of fuel. I would make the police ride bikes but it seems that they have to be trained and pass their cycling proficiency test before they are allowed to even ride a bike.

The police are also facing the possibility of having the price of handcuffs rise when their biggest supplier goes out of business within the next few weeks.

Dumbed down education

Education is being dumbed down again. It’s not really a surprise though. 14 year olds will be able to pass their maths exam by scoring 21% while in the GCSE exams you will be glad to know that those who take the exam can get marks for writing things like “fuck off”. I wonder if they could get a C if they wrote a load of swear words…

Children are no longer being challenged by these exams. We should be getting our school pupils to take tougher exams like the IGCSE so that our future workers are on par with workers from other countries.

Monday, June 30, 2008

News roundup 79

Queen refused government grant because of 2012 Olympic Games. I would rather give her the money.

Council banned from flying crest on Mayor's car after being flagged up as health and safety 'danger'. That’s just stupid.

Now health and safety cut number of holes in chip shop salt shakers. Could these people get real jobs?

Child knife victims are up by 62 per cent in just three years. Don’t expect the government to do anything.

Foreign drivers speed off without paying £10m fines in Britain. Just charge their embassies or take their car.

Grandfather with 'For Sale' sign in car window given £100 fine for running street business. Don’t they have anything better to do.

Bungling council bins a £10,000 'spy cam' meant to catch fly-tippers. Surely the rubbish collectors should have been told about it.

'Over 100 MPs' in multi-million tax dodge over second homes. Sack the lot!

BORDERS WIDE OPEN TO TERROR. The government don’t care.

Snatch Land Rover to be scrapped by the British Army. Headline a bit misleading but hopefully they will scrap it and replace it.

Whites discriminated against in all areas of life

Congratulations to all white males. You are now discriminated in all aspects of life. That’s equality you see.

When you went to school you will have found that you were discriminated against when your black classmates had more funding given to their education, infact they have access to £178 million worth of grants for their education while you get nothing. When you leave school you will be happy to find that the government are now planning to make it legal so that employers can discriminate against you and hire a black man even though you might be more qualified for the job.

Are you happy to find out what Labour is doing to you? That’s not all either. You will be happy to know that if you ever become hard up and have to rely on a charity (because you have received a terrible education and can’t get a job because you aren’t black enough) the government has been giving £18 million to ethnic minority charities while nothing is given to white charities

Would you like to try and stick up for white people by standing for the local council? Well the government are trying to get more ethnic minority councillors. They don’t really want you to stand but there is nothing stopping you yet.

Maybe you should become a fire fighter instead? Well that’s a bad idea too. You see the government has a quota for none whites. If the fire service doesn’t meet it they will have to give up £2 million in funding. Are you worth 2 million? I thought not.

Why not join the police force instead and kick the arses of criminals? Sorry this isn’t allowed either unless you don’t mind having inferior candidates promoted ahead of you. If that’s the case you might do well.

Don’t like all of this? Do you feel like committing suicide to get away from it all? You should phone the Samaritans first, well that’s if they still exist in your area. You see in some parts of the country depressed whites are phoning in such numbers that they are being denied access to money because they don’t help enough black people.

Suicide probably isn’t the answer to reverse the discrimination that whites receive. For the answer you should click here.

Labour party in trouble

It’s good to be a Labour party hater these days. The party is £24 million in debt and is heading for financial collapse which could destroy their ability to fight the next election especially if they lack volunteers to deliver leaflets.

This time their rich donors will not be bailing them out unless they ditch Brown in favour of someone else. The thing is every single Labour MP is a traitor and would never make a competent leader.

Labour is now desperate for any donations. They are doing everything they can to get the donations into the party including auctioning things like tennis with Blair.

If Labour don’t get the donations they need it is unlikely that Brown will stand down for the good of the party so that they can get the donations they need. He will probably just lick the feet of the unions and be on their payroll and do everything they want including giving them new rights to strike which Thatcher got rid of.

The best thing for the country will be that Brown steps down or the unions will get everything but could that make Labour extinct faster if they are seen to be under the thumb of the unions and not doing what is in the interests of the country?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

News roundup 78

Senior Labour officials 'to escape prosecution' over secret donors row. What a surprise…

Labour finish behind BNP in election humiliation. I hope it continues.

Labour Party manifesto 2010. Don’t laugh it could happen.

Labour MP pulled before chief whip for inviting 'Russian spy' to tea in the Commons. Shoot him…

Anger as violent criminals get fiscal fine deals. It’s the SNP this time.

Hand us £165m share of Olympic funding, SNP tells Westminster. They have a cheek.

City bosses 'ready to cut 440,000 jobs' as economic slowdown hits bank profits. This is going to hurt.

Britons have 'no money to cope with recession' as savings hit lowest level for 50 years. This is definitely going to hurt.

Over-stretched Heathrow should reduce flights to end delays, demands scathing report. Good idea.

EU forces market trader to pulp thousands of kiwi fruit because they're ONE MILLIMETRE too small. Why are we in the EU?

Pray and display: the new religious parking permit. That’s just stupid.

Children under eight banned from competitive football - because it's too stressful. They are going to have to learn how to deal with stress when they are older.

Reforming MPs pay

MPs could get a
daily handout of around £150 for turning up at the Commons in return for giving up their controversial second homes allowance.

Senior MPs drawing up reforms of Parliamentary expenses are said to favour the system that would have an upper ceiling of about £24,000 a year.

Isn’t this something that the European Parliament has? I am sure I read somewhere that all they had to do to get the money was to turn up and sign the register. They weren’t needed to actually vote on anything. Infact after signing they could just go home and still get the money.

MPs expenses should be reformed but not this way. Their salaries should increase, yes you read that correctly. I don’t think they do a good job. That’s not the reason why I think they should get a higher salary. Our MPs are of low quality. We should be trying to get high quality people to become MPs like executives who earn hundreds of thousands of pounds per year. We should pay enough to get rid of the idiots and attract the people who will benefit Britain. Give them £150,000 per year and you will see more quality people wanting to become MPs.

Reform their expenses too. Don’t give them money to buy a house. Buy a plot of land in London and build enough flats to accommodate them all. They will all have to stay there. In the long term this will be a cheaper option than giving MP after MP enough to buy a house and maintain that house. At first it will be expensive but once the land is bought and the flats are built there will be very little expenses for homes. All that will be required is a little maintenance.

For the rest of the expenses there wouldn’t need to be a limit if every single expense was made public. If people knew what they were spending taxpayers’ money on they wouldn’t spend it on stupid things. Look at Scotland for an example of what this has done.

Allow them to employ family members but make that public too. If their constituents feel they are being taken for a ride they can hold them to account.

Military need more aircraft

The armed forces could run out of
transport aircraft in two years, a report warns today.

Constant use in Afghanistan and Iraq is forcing the RAF to retire its ageing Hercules aircraft early, while the project to provide replacements has suffered years of delays.

There is a 'significant risk' that there will be too few planes to meet military needs after 2010, the National Audit Office report said.

What is this government doing? We hopefully won’t be fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan in 2 years but these aircraft are still badly needed in case some unforeseen conflict erupts which is increasingly likely to happen.

The government should be giving our troops whatever they need as Blair promised they would have before he left.

State intervention is the problem

Children as young as 5 will be identified as
being at risk of becoming criminals or troublemakers under government plans to tackle offending and disorder on the streets.

Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, called for a huge expansion of state intervention in family life as a way of preventing young people from problem families drifting into antisocial behaviour and crime.

The last thing we need is state intervention in family life. That is what caused children to lack discipline in the first place. Let parents smack their children. That is the only way that parents will be able to control their children. There is no other way.

Diplomats commit crimes and get immunity

It seems that foreign governments are taking the mick out of this country. They commit crimes and for the most part are getting away with it.

Diplomats to this country have claimed immunity for everything including bribery and sexual assault and other crimes which would result in 12 months in prison while Venezuela is allowing drug barons to export their stuff into this country.

Anti-drugs officials estimate that more than 50 per cent of all the cocaine consumed in Britain has been trafficked through Venezuela - under the "revolutionary" regime of Mr Chavez. The figure could be as high as two thirds.

Senior commanders in Venezuela's security forces are thought to be profiting from the trade and actively helping the smugglers, notably by allowing them to use military airfields.

If I as living in Venezuela I would be wondering why Chavez’s incompetence has resulted in drug related arrests plummeting from over 11,000 to just over 1000 arrests. I didn’t think this was possible but they seem to be worse than Labour, possibly even worse than the SNP. That is an achievement…

Saturday, June 28, 2008

News roundup 77

Britain to get 3,000-strong border force to fight terrorism and illegal immigration. Good idea but it probably won’t work if Labour is in charge of it.

Police are forced to cut frontline jobs to save on fuel cost. Why not just cut the number of cars and make them ride bikes or just give the police a rebate on fuel tax?

School meals 'near collapse' as soaring food costs and lack of Government funding take toll. The government won’t do anything.

Killed by the Budget: Pensioner, 92, electrocuted himself because of taxes. Labour costs lives.

Council banned from flying crest on Mayor's car after being flagged up as health and safety 'danger'. That’s just stupid.

Knife and gun crime worsening. Will Labour actually do anything?

Gun gangs recruit eight-year-olds. Punish those who recruit children to crime.

Teenagers found guilty of crime has soared by over 25%, reveals Labour think tank. Labour can’t do anything right.

Appeal court says criminals' wives' assets untouchable. Surely they can be arrested for receiving stolen goods?

Ex-soldier taken to court over 'citizen's arrest' of yobs. He should have been given a medal.

YOB WHO PUNCHED PRIEST IN CHURCHYARD IS FREED. If the roles were reversed he would be arrested for racially aggravated assault.

Man who claimed Paddington train crash turned him into a killer can appeal for compensation. He’ll probably win.

Jail for rapes while on bail man. He should have never been allowed into the country.

Criminal freed from jail early because of overcrowding is accused of rape. Labour wrecks lives.

Paedophile ex-Tory councillor avoids prison. He should be in prison where he can’t do this type of thing.

Hazel Blears targeted by thieves - again. I hope she enjoyed it.

Force bans village bobby from bike because he hasn't passed his cycling proficiency. That’s just stupid.

Bailed terror suspect goes on the run after leaving suicide note. Why was he allowed out on bail?

Second al-Qaeda leader to be freed in Britain. He should be deported.

Bomb hero puts finger in trigger. He is a very brave soldier.

Flooding plan 'needs improvement'. That’s an understatement.

A month to save Dorset!. It won’t be saved. Houses are needed too much.

White children now victims of multiculturalism

White children are much more likely to be bullied than any other ethnic group - reversing racial stereotypes surrounding playground abuse, Government research indicates.

Two thirds of children from white families say they had been bullied in the last three years but less than half of children of Indian origin make the same assertion.

Anti-bullying campaigners say white children are now in the minority in some areas raising their chances of being bullied.

Louise Burfitt-Dons, founder of the charity Act Against Bullying, which cut ties with Jade Goody after allegations of racist bullying against Indian actress Shilpa Shetty on Big Brother, said: “Normally all you hear about is bullying with racial groups being discriminated against.

“Whites are becoming more aggressive than they used to be as a result of trying to intergrate into a new society norm that is so aggressive. They have changed the way they behave in order to survive.”

I am not sure I have read this properly. I think the jist of it is that white children are finding it hard to cope in a diverse society. When white children are in the minority does that mean they are more likely to be bullied? Surely that is racially motivated and shows that whites are more likely to be victims in these sorts of things.

White children don’t seem to b coping well in a multicultural society, a society which their white parents and grandparents never even asked for but the self hating whites decided it was a good thing that white children lose their heritage and identity while at the same time being treated like second class citizens.

Millions of homes need to be built

Up to 3.48 million new homes may have to be built in
England by 2020 if property is to become more affordable, the Government has been told.

The National Housing and Planning Advice Unit (NHPAU) is advising the Government that at least 2.96 million new homes should be built and as many as 3.48 may need to be added to the current housing stock.

The group also called on planners and decision makers not to focus on the current short-term downturn in the property market, which is seeing house price falls, but to continue to think about long-term housing needs.

This can’t go on forever. We can’t keep concreting over our countryside because of a rising population. The only reason that we need to build more homes is because of rising levels of immigration. If we closed our borders fewer homes would be needed stopping our environment from getting any worse that it already is.

We could concentrate on feeding our own population and less oil would be needed because there would be less cars and less need for building anymore houses (some vehicle needs to make multiple deliveries of supplies), roads, schools and hospitals.

The only logical thing to do so that we can have a healthy environment is to stop immigration all together.

News roundup 76

'Deadly diseases could escape from laboratories because of Government funding neglect'. If something happens we know who to blame.

Mobile phones 'more dangerous than smoking'. Nothing will be done.

Maternity unit crisis: Labour accused of putting mothers and babies at risk by closing wards. Labour won’t do anything.

Families who lose home face six year wait for social housing as waiting list continues to skyrocket. It will be even longer the more immigrants there are.

2,200 pupils sent home every day as violent behaviour in class reaches record levels. Nothing can be done. There is no effective way for schools to discipline them.

Lack of field trips 'leave children ignorant of nature'. That’s just the way the government want it. If they are ignorant they won’t care that the countryside is being concreted over.

Let companies run state schools for profit, says Sir Simon Milton. Anything is better than the government controlling them.

Young Muslims 'are turning to extremism'. Deport them.

White boy, 12, suspected of being Islamic extremist recruit after he showed beheading videos to classmates. He should have never been allowed into the country.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Judges decide against referendum

Stuart Wheeler says he has "high hopes" of winning an appeal against a High Court decision to oppose his bid for a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.

Two judges rejected the millionaire's claim that there was a "legitimate expectation" of a public vote.

I didn’t think he would win his case. There is no law saying that the government is banned from lying to the public so I hate to say it but the judges had no reason to vote against them even though I would have loved to have seen it.

We just have to hope that the judges of the Court of Appeal care more about the country than the law.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Other cultures

Isn’t multiculturalism just great? Well it is if you like aborting baby girls, female mutilation and being allowed to rape women if they wear the wrong clothes.

Research suggests that more than 20,000 British girls are at risk of being mutilated all to follow some backward medieval barbaric custom that should have no place in a civilised society.

A study has found that 66,000 women living in Britain have already been mutilated. I bet those who love multiculturalism don’t care because this is what you get when you have multiculturalism. You can’t really complain.

Indians don’t seem to like girls too much either. They seem to like aborting the female foetuses much more than the male ones and if they can’t afford the scan to see if it is a boy they let the baby girl die when it’s born. Don’t you just love that? Thankfully there aren’t too many Indians in this country or we would have the same thing happening in the Indian community.

In Malaysia women have been told that if they want to avoid being raped they should not to wear bright lipstick and noisy high-heel shoes and this is supposed to be a moderate Islamic country. Someone should tell their men that they should control themselves and stop acting like worthless savages at the sight of a woman wearing lipstick and high heals.

The wonders of multiculturalism never cease to amaze.

The NHS: Letting people die

Our health service is a disgrace. Those who need NHS help are left to die and are punished if they decide they want to contribute to the cost of their own care.

Albert Baxter, 77, was terminally ill. But he was turned down for a drug which could have prolonged his life and shrunk his tumour.

In desperation, he offered to pay for the treatment. But he was told if he did so, he would also have to foot the bill for the rest of his treatment, which he could not afford.

Mr Baxter must have lost all hope of living a comfortable life so he killed himself because of bastards in the NHS who would rather see him die than live.

Mr Baxter isn’t the only one being denied treatment. Tul Bahadur Pun is a Gurkha who was awarded the Victoria Cross for his bravery in fighting for our country but he was denied the medical care that he needed for a heart condition. The person who denied him treatment should be kissing his feet and giving him the care that he needs and not treating the poor man like something on the bottom of his shoe.

The NHS is a disgrace.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Olympics village runs out of money

The cost of the Olympics is about to make another rise. According to the National Audit Office the budget for the London Olympics could significantly overrun due to security costs and other factors.

That isn’t even the half of it. I believe they are underplaying how much it could actually cost. The Olympics village has ran out of money which now means that more public money will be spent to bail it out. That means more hundreds of millions of pounds down the drain to finance facilities which will never be used again after 2012.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Eco-towns will not help environment

Eco towns look more and more dubious as time goes on and they look as though they will constrain the freedom to move about. You could even be fined for driving out of the town limits. You will also be stopped from parking your car near your own home but don’t worry there will be a car park at the edge of town which you will have to pay for

The government have a reason for this. They hate freedom and cars give you freedom to go anywhere you want at anytime. They say that it is because the towns are supposed to be green but if that was the case why are the towns being built to lower environmental standards than other towns? Why are they being built to level 3 instead of level 6 even though after 2016 all homes have to be built to level 6 meaning they are zero carbon. Why not just build them to that standard now if it is to protect the environment?

Wouldn’t it make sense to build eco towns as most environmentally friendly?

Labour stops opposition money

Labour are in such debt that it will probably damage their ability to fight the next election. The Labour party know this so they are trying to stop opposition parties from spending and raising more money than the Labour party can.

There is to be a limit on how much can be spent on election campaigns. While this would be a good thing Labour are only doing it because they are facing serious financial difficulties and probably couldn’t fight an effective campaign if there was an election right now.

There will also be a cap of £50,000 on individual donations which will hurt the Conservatives much more than Labour who have decided not to put a cap on donations from unions who give Labour millions and effectively stop them from going bankrupt.

Trade union donations should also be capped at the same as individual donations but that would destroy the Labour party within weeks and Labour don’t want to compete on an even playing field. They want to be able to have the unions donate millions of pounds while the Conservatives spend time looking for more and more donors to help them.

Judge stops treaty while Ireland will vote again

There is good news regarding the EU treaty. A judge has temporarily stopped ratification. While it probably won’t lead to anything it still gives us a small glimmer of hope. If the judgement comes back favourably for patriotic Brits we can than Stuart Wheeler.

If ratification is stopped it could also mean that the European Union will not be able to expand which is of course the best thing that could happen. I don’t want millions of Turks coming to this country when we already have millions from other countries coming here.

The European Union of course don’t like any opposition to their plans so will get around any judgement and any opposition. In Ireland they are going to make the Irish vote again until they give the EU the decision they want. The new referendum will probably be held next spring so they can rush the treaty in as fast as possible.

How compassionate is your nurse?

Nurses are to be scored on how compassionate they are towards patients as part of a government plan to improve quality in the NHS to be unveiled in the runup to the 60th anniversary of the health service next month.

The health secretary, Alan Johnson, wants the performance of every nursing team in every ward across England to be measured, with the results published on an official website.

This is a stupid idea and will only lead to more money being taken away from healthcare. The patients will provide feedback but someone will have to check the feedback meaning at least 1 administrator will have to be employed in every hospital to check it over. They will of course be paid which will mean this money will have to come out of the hospital budget which they could use on treating patients.

I don’t know how many hospitals there is but let’s give an estimate of 200. If administrators were paid on average £18,000 per year then the bill for this new scheme would be £3.6 million per year which should be spent on healthcare. As you can see this is another stupid idea by a stupid government.

New born babies put at risk

A pregnant woman was forced to give birth in a
hospital corridor after being turned away from two other hospitals when she went into labour.

Humiliated new mother Emma Johnson gave birth in a hallway at the Princess Royal Hospital in Haywards Heath, West Sussex.

This new mother isn’t the first and she won’t be the last mother for this to happen to. Hundreds of sick babies have been turned away from London hospitals because of a shortage of intensive care beds. This is just in London. What about the rest of the country?

There is also a shortage of 2300 specialist nurses providing neonatal care which is putting even more babies at risk all because the government doesn’t know what they are doing but there is another element to this. Could it be that rising levels of immigration has lead to this?

Birth rates have rocketed in recent years which have taken government planners by surprise. Why is this when the native birth rate in this country has been steady? The only explanation there can be is that it is because of rising levels of immigration. Think of another reason why government planners failed to predict it when the native birth rate has not been rising.

60 soldiers killed by faulty equipment

As many as
60 British servicemen have lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan because the Government failed to provide adequate equipment, a Tory inquiry has claimed.

Frederick Forsyth, the author and former RAF pilot chairing the special investigation into the treatment of the armed forces, accused ministers of 'frittering away billions' on pet projects while refusing to give troops fighting overseas the resources they need.

He said the work of the Military Covenant Commission - set up by David Cameron to help develop a Tory defence manifesto - had uncovered 'inadequate' policies towards the military in virtually every area it examined, from healthcare and education for troops' families to housing and legal support.

I am not surprised about this at all. The government haven’t even attempted to keep our soldiers safe. They would rather see the soldiers die than provide them with equipment which they need which is why I am glad that the government is being sued by families of those servicemen killed because of useless equipment. I hope they win and the government are forced to do something about it.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

News roundup 75

Lost rivers of London to resurface in Boris plan. If rivers have been concreted over it could happen anywhere.

Pollution in capital exceeds limits by up to 100%. Yet another reason not to live in London.

Demand for green biofuels pushing up food prices, Government report warns. That was obvious.

Two more years of food price misery. I think it will be longer than that.

US flooding ruins crops and threatens global food prices. Get ready for more food riots.

Households that fail to recycle waste face £50 bin fine. They can only get people to recycle through force.

Poll: most Britons doubt cause of climate change. The enviroloons are losing.

One in five Freedom Of Information requests turned down by Government. We should have access to more information.

LDA staff competed to spend taxpayers' money, Mayor's audit reveals. It’s not their money so they will spend as much as possible.

£11million: The bill for Home Office staff perks in ONE YEAR. Why do they need those expenses?

MPs set to claim £40,000 perk. Build flats for our MPs. It will be cheaper in the long run.

Gordon Brown plans to fight only one election. I hope he loses it.

MINISTERS 'GAGGED', CLAIMS DAVIS. Gordon doesn’t like debate.

Now mobile phone users could be charged to RECEIVE calls in the UK. Why can’t the EU just stay out of it?

Royal Navy warships may form part of EU fleet. I hope not.

User-generated content and weblogs - a new challenge. Translation: How do we control criticism?

Abortion increase in young girls. Disgraceful.

Near £600k bill for hospital parking in East Lancashire. They should give the money back.

NHS trusts 'failing on hygiene'. They should be prosecuted if anyone dies.

Military families should get preferential NHS treatment, Tories say. Good idea.

Government U-turn on plans to build new warships... sinking hopes for hundreds of jobs. The government hate the military.

UK inflation set to hit highest in a decade. That’s just great.

Terrorists allowed to stay

Sometimes our judges should be shot for the stupid decision which they make. Abu Qatada won’t be deported to Jordan where he is wanted on terror charges. He should be deported. It is irrelevant what that country’s criminal justice system is like. At the very least he should be rotting in prison for encouraging terrorism against people who don’t believe in Islam.

Another terrorist will also soon be released even though at one stage he was one of our most wanted terrorists. What exactly is the government doing allowing these scum to live in the country they hate?

It isn’t all bad news. Abu Hamza is finally going to be deported to America where he will face trial and hopefully the rest of his life in prison.

Prisoners to be rewareded for going on the run

Prisoners who go on the run could have the time cut from their sentence,
internal Government papers revealed last night.

Convicts will be able to count both the day they absconded and the day they were caught as time spent behind bars.

This is the most stupid idea I have ever heard. It is basically rewarding criminals for getting away with their crimes. It will just encourage more criminals to go on the run as all they will have to do is complete the rest of their sentence. It’s madness.