Monday, February 27, 2006

Labour destroys local democracy

Thanks to a diktat from John Prescott, thousands of elected councillors have been shocked to be instructed by council officials that they are no longer permitted to represent the views of the communities which elected them.

Similar instances are sprouting up all over the country, thanks to zealous interpretation by council "monitoring officers" of Mr Prescott's Local Authorities (Code of Conduct) Order 2001. By excluding from council business any councillor who can be considered to have a "prejudicial interest", the code is now being widely used to silence councillors who wish to speak on behalf of the communities they represent.

And, like the bulk of the laws which now rule our lives, this astonishing revolution in local government was imposed by means of a statutory instrument - a ministerial edict which Parliament had no chance to discuss.

Labour continues to destroy our hard won freedoms and democracy. Why on Earth do people let them get away with this? They don't care about the opinions of the people of this country. All they care about is their opinions and their undeserved fat pay check. Why can't this fat bastard John Prescott do us a favour and just have a heart attack?

Why doesn't labour realise that we elect people to represent our interests and not theirs? If they don't realise that perhaps its time to use force to change their minds. Someone should start up a semi-militant pressure group. Those politicians that continue to vote to take away our freedoms should have their neighbourhoods invaded by protesters who won't go away until they do what we say. If they still continue to do so maybe it would be best for someone to firebomb their homes while they are in them and block any rescue attempts that are made. Its time Labour realised we wont take anymore of their crap.

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