Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Politically correct translations

Asylum Seeker - economic migrant, a person who moves to a foreign country in order to use it as a resource for income and healthcare.
The Commisssion for Racial Equality - The Commission for Black Power
Discrimination - Common sense
Diversity - The dilution or erosion of an indigenous population by immigrants who refuse to integrate, leading to the erosion of the local dialect, loss of social cohesion and an increase in local violent crime.
Enrichment - The rise in crime observed in those areas where there is an infestation of non-whites. Usually rises in proportion to the amount of non-whites in the area. Tends to cause the indigenous whites to evacuate the area.
Equality - Black power
Equal Opportunities - Black Power
Human Rights - Black Power
Inclusive - Relating to those aspects of society where ethnic minorities are given a leg up or head start at the expense of white people. For example: the British Police force is now an inclusive organisation.
Institutional racism - A term used by the modern day PC inquisition in relation to any organisation that does not bow at the altar of multi-culturalism. It is used as an attempt to stifle any opposition to the destruction of national institutions
Non-discriminatory - Any favourable treatment or advantage given to an ethnic minority group. For example: we adopt a non-discriminatory policy towards recruitment.
Political Correctness - The strict, Stalinist repression of free speech. Is frequently used as a tool to stifle any debate on immigration issues.
Race Relations - Black Power
Racism – Disagreement with the multi-cultural experiment. (see also “racist”)
Racist - 1. Any person who disagrees with the multi-cutlural experiment. 2. anybody who is winning an argument against a Marxist or black person. (see also “racism”)
Social science degree- Communist indoctrination course.
Underrepresented - Too thick and stupid to work here on merit alone. For example: We welcome applications from the Asian community, who are currently underrepresented by our company.
Multiculturalism - A form of mental illness characterized by the fallacious belief that haphazardly mixing all of the worlds ethnicities and cultures together into a predominantly white society creates a greater single culture of cohesive unity, harmony and strength.
Vibrant - {adjective} - A whole heap of battling sub communities thats so jumbled and out of control it looks lively. Warning: Causes blindness to the underlying facts and can infect the dumb with an inane grin when spoken.
Community Relations - The bending over backwards like a contortionist for ungratefull colonisers who relish in making the people they want to replace PAY for thier own removal. See "Sucking Up" and "staving off trouble for an easy life"
Community - {noun} - Any section of society thats not white native, or any specialist group of misfits. Predominantly used for muslims. Examples include {Muslim} Community, and {Gay and Lesbian One Handed Juggler} Community. Not to be confused with "community" which meant the local area of fellow white people that you live around in about a mile radius.
Diverse- {adjective} - A description of a mass of sub communities and races/religions thats used (by people who dont actually know the categories) as a tool not to leave any fragment of society out in fear of them being offended. Compulsary to be used in conjunction with "Vibrant" when attempting to brainwash the native population.
Human Rights - A term to describe the insanity of allowing terrorists responsible for killing and injuring hundreds of people to set foot on the shore and claim they will be tortured for thier crimes if they are sent back to face the consequences. Also used to cater for every little whim anyone sees fit to drive a bigger wedge in a healthy homogenous society. Also See "Mug".


Anonymous said...

Spot on

Anonymous said...

you really are a small-minded nasty little man lol.

Why can't you just enjoy life?