Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Far left groups throw tantrums and eggs

Far right supporters and anti-fascist groups clashed outside Leeds Crown Court ahead of a hearing involving the leader of the British National Party.

Rival protestors hurled abuse at each other and threw egg and flour parcels before Nick Griffin and BNP activist Mark Collett were due to appear.

The men are awaiting trial in January on race-hate charges, which they deny.

Incase anyone doesn't yet know Nick Griffin's 'race hate charge' was to call Islam a vile and wicked faith and he could get 7 years for it which is totally ridiculous.

I was at the protest but I wouldn't be surprised if it was just the far left who were throwing eggs and powder as they are savages.

This Saturday sees the BNP stage a protest in Keighley about the fact that an investigation has been called off about muslims paedophile gangs molesting white girls as young as 12.

I can see there is going to be a riot there and the BNP doesn't want to stage a protest. All they want the police to do is sit down with BNP elected community leaders and talk about the problem. The police won't do this so the BNP have no other choice but to protest.

For some reason I keep on getting this feeling that a conspiracy is in the works starting in the highest parts of our government, the prime minister. Police will not meet with the BNP. The BNP think that the police will ban the protest (which they do have powers to do) but they haven't yet which is why I am thinking of a conspiracy which probably won't happen but I an see it happening:

If they don't ban the protest there will almost certainly be race riots for days to come. The BNP will be made the scapegoat and be accused of dividing communities and causing racial tension. The scene will be set for the banning of the BNP. After the media comes into it there won't be many in the land that don't believe that the BNP should be banned and they will be banned.

I don't know about you guys but I can definately see this happening.

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