Monday, February 20, 2006

Muslims want sharia law in Britain

Four out of 10 British Muslims want sharia law introduced into parts of the country, a survey reveals today.

This just proves that muslims do not want to integrate. They want their own way. They don't care about Britain as long as it is majority none muslim.

The Labour party won't do anything about it. They rely too much on the muslim vote. As long as Labour rely on their vote we will get nothing done about it. Labour care more about their muslim voters than the lives and liberties of the British people.

A few years ago Denmark faced the same problem. They used homosexuals to stop it happening. British patriots must form an alliance with homosexuals in the fight against the cancer of Islam.

In Denmark members of gay and lesbian associations made a list of the sexual partners they had who were muslim and told the press that if muslims kept on lobbying for shariah law, they would send the newspapers the lists of the muslim lovers they had.

Needless to say, it stopped, and muslims never spoke again of it again in Denmark.

We must do the same here. HOMOSEXUALS UNITE!

I didn't think homosexuals were useful for anything. Looks like they can be our first and most important line of defence against muslims.

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