Monday, October 24, 2005

Active Resistance to Islamification

Just got this email forwarded to me and I thought I would share it with you all incase you want to join. Its about time someone did something about it:

To mark the 200th anniversary of Trafalgar, we are announcing the formal beginning of ARI - Active Resistance to Islamification.

Today we face another invader - one invited into our country yet increasingly in occupation of our nation.

An invader who is placing its mark of occupation, not only within our cities, towns and villages, but into our institutions, government and our whole way of life.

The mosque flys the crescent flag proundly - whilst our English flag, the Cross of St George, is banned and decried as racist and our people threatened and even persecuted for even the flying of it.

The final straw has come with the islamic denounciation of our humble pig - an animal that has been the mainstay of survival for the english people over years untold. Dudley Council (Midlands) has now banned any reference or symbolism of pigs either as food or decoration e.g. piggy banks!

Then there are our traditional celebrations of Christmas and Easter, both being trampled underfoot together with all our proud history and christian heritage.

We must resist the increasing islamic drive to destroy our englishness.

Our symbol is a pig. Please wear a pig - be it a brooch, a pendant, a lapel pin, tie pin, bracelet or one of our badges - please wear a pig!!

Our motto is "England, love her or leave her!"

Our banner is the flag of England and the banner of St George.

Our song is, of course, Jerusalem!

Please put a sticker of resistance on your car. We have car stickers and badges available for purchase and intend to have other products soon. For info and ordering, just e-mail

Our aim is to create a data base of thousands who will e-mail, telephone or write as and when requested in order to assert our own proud heritage and protect our nation in a peaceful manner, without incitement or hatred,

Please register your e-mail address (personal details optional) if you are willing to join our data base of resistance at If you would like to take a more active role in promoting our cause, please let us know.

May we use the famous signal as we once again face losing our country to alien conquest:-

''England expects every man to do his duty'
The invader and our would-be oppressor may not be France or Germany this time but the sentiments remain the same and the danger yet greater. Remember the islamics have openly and often stated their intent to turn this country into part of the world-wide caliphate under sharia law and theocratic control.

We finish with the words of Sir Winston Churchill:-
'You ask what is our aim? I answer in one. It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival''

Love England Committee

P.S. Please circulate this e-mail as widely as you can.

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