Tuesday, October 25, 2005

My policies

If I was prime minister I would do the following. Please comment and criticise the policies as you see fit

1. There would be a new minimum wage for big business only. The minimum wage for big business would be different for each city and would be calculated like this:

Average weekly rent
Average weekly power bill
Average weekly food bill for family of 4
plus 25%

So you find what the weekly bills are (see above) plus 25% then divide it by 48 (which is the minimum hours people should work per week) and you have the minimum hourly wage.

The 25% bit would be for entertainment or putting some away in the bank.

The minimum wage for small business would be the national average or 15% lower than big business if the national average is more in that city than the city minimum wage.

This would allow small businesses to compete with big business and workers wouldn't be exploited because they would be getting a fair wage.

Of course this new system could give less than the old in some places.

2a. A flat tax of about 25% would be taken for everyone earning £15,000 per year or more. This would fluctuate depending on how many children you have if you are living with your children. Those who don't live with their children won't receive the benefits

2b. For every child you have (and you are living with) your flat tax will decrease by 3% up until the 5th child. The percentage will increase to 4.5% for every child under 3.

2c. Mixed race relationships would not get this.

This would be good for many things. Parents would be encouraged to live together because if they don't one won't receive the benefits of the tax system. This would stop children only living with one parent which I think might decrease youth crime. This might also cure decreasing birth rates for europeans and more importantly get more money for pensions (if they don't have children that money will go to pensions more. the more children they have the more they can pay into the benefits system).

This would also decrease mixed race relationships which are nothing more than ethnic cleansing of whites.

3. There will be a comsumption tax on none essential goods.

This would be good because it would encourage people to save for a rainy day and it would decrease waste.

4a. The BBC license fee would be abolished but the BBC would remain under state contol. They would have to get funding from advertisers.

This would be good because I think the state should have its own tv channel but people shouldn't have to have a license for a tv.

5. Car licenses would be abolished.

People shouldn't be forced to have to have a license to own a car

6. Introduce a special ‘level playing field' super tax on companies that evade paying other taxes in Britain by out-sourcing jobs to factories and call centres overseas. If they want to do business here, they must pay their full share of taxes here.

This would make them employ people here if they want to do business here.

7. There will be tariffs on foreign made goods that Britain can produce itself unless the foreign goods are already more expensive.

This would get our supermarkets to employ people in this country and allow our businesses to be on a fair playing field.

8a. Leave the EU

I think Britain should govern their own affairs.

8b. On all present EU projects already completed there will be a sign saying how much it cost the EU, how much we have given to the EU since we joined, how much we gave in that particular year and the Union jack and the flag of whatever country of the UK the EU project was in.

This would stop EU subliminal advertising which is apparent to only a few of us.

9. Leave Nato

Our soldiers should not be killed in foreign wars.

10. There will be a new bill of rights guaranteeing freedom of speech, freedom of opinion, freedom of worship and other basic freedoms. The race relations act would then be abolished and so would the religious hate bill.

11a. The voting system would be changed but not into proportional representation (I don't like it). If the party in government gets 33% of the vote they can push through 66% of their policies (% of vote x 2) without citizen interference. Once they reach their limit the other policies will have to be voted on by the people. To stop parties just announcing hundreds of things that they will do so it will neverend so they don't have to call an election the last 6 months of their term will be devoted to referendums. Whatever they couldn't push through during their term will have to be pushed through in 6 months.

To stop the government making us vote often (sooner or later people just won't care) only a maximum of 2 referendums a month will be made and changes to laws would have to be sent to citizens who would be given a minimum of 1 day for every 3000 words to read what it is before they go to vote.

11b. This would mean that a manifesto becomes a contract. Whatever they promise to do they must try and do it. The things that they want to change will be numbered. The first number will be the first thing to start and will go on like that. This would be to ensure that the goverenment couldn't pick and choose and so that the electorate know the priorities of that political party.

This would be good because at present the governments have far too much power.

11c. In case of an emergency the government can call a legislative emergency which would give them powers to deal with the emergency (the emergency could be as simple as the murder rate has significantly increased but it can only be used if people are getting hurt). During the legislative emergency they are not allowed to take our rights away

11d. There would be a citizens referenda based on the swiss model. Citizens could get a petition going to change things like laws. The petition would need 60,000 signatures or 0.1% of the population. Once it has the number of signatures there will be a national referendum.

11e. To boost election turnout voting over the internet will be allowed however you will need your voter ID and your national insurance number to prove who you are. Other personal questions will also be asked. To know who you voted for you will receive a receipt a couple of days later incase it was someone else who voted.

11f. Postal votes will be banned except for the long term sick, disabled and elderly.

11g. Ban the conducting or publishing of opinion polls in the last three weeks of an election campaign.

11h. Trade unions would be banned from giving money to political parties.

11i. No political party may accept donations from the same person/corporation totalling more than £50,000 per year.

11j. For every MP a party has in the house of commons they will receive £2000 and free mail advertising in the constituencies they control.

11k. Our colonies (how many do we have?) will be invited to send a representative to the house of commons to act as their MP.

12. There will be an English parliament (not the UK parliament) sitting at westminister.

This is so england can be like the other countries in the uk so the others don't feel special.

13A. Conscription would be brought back. Once turning 18 they would have to join the armed forces for 1 year. Alternatively they can help the community for two years however they will not be entitled to a free university education, will not benefit from the child flat tax reduction, will not be able to own a gun and won't be able to vote in the citizens referenda or put their name down on the petition for it. If they do not do the community one they will not be allowed to vote at all or drive a vehicle.

13B. Having completed their tour in the armed forces they will be allowed to carry a rifle at home in case an intruder brakes in.

14a. Our military will be brought home from every single foreign country they are in and made to protect our boarder until the immigration task force is up to the job.

14b. All illegal immigrants will be found and deported. If they do not tell us where they are from we will pay the poorest countries in the world to take them. There will be no appeals.

14c. Asylum seekers will be sent home if their country is deemed safe.

14d. We will take no more refugees and will abide by he 1951 United Nations Convention on Refugees so unless there is a civil war in france no asylum seeker will be our problem.

14e. All legal immigrants and descendents of immigrants from 1930 onwards will be afforded the chance to go to the country they or their descendents came from. They will also receive generous financial incentives to leave.

15. Abolish quotas and targets for ethnic representation in all areas of employment, public and private. They will only be allowed to get a job based on ability and skill and not ethnicity.

16a. The hijab and burqua will be banned in all public places including mosques.

16b. No more mosques will be allowed to be built.

16c. The present Qu'ran will be banned from being sold and being in mosques and will be replaced with a British version with the offending passages either removed or edited.

16d. Muslims will be treated like they would treat Dhimmis except they can run for office.

17. All saints of the british isles will be made national holidays.

18a. Corporal and capital punishment will be back. Capital punishment will only be used if DNA evidence or video evidence is used to prove the guilt and it will only be used for drug dealing, paedophilia and murder.

18b. Repeat offenders will be deported if they are a descendent of an immigrant that came here after 1930. Their families will be offered a chance to go with them.

18c. Prisoners will receive visits once per month that last 10 minutes and visitors will not be allowed to tell them any news about what is going on in the outside world unless it is to do with family or friends.

18d. No newspapers will be allowed into prisons and they will receive no news about what is going on in the outside world.

18e. News channels will not be allowed on prison TVs.

18f. The sentences that prisoners receive will be the minimum amount of time they get. Once the minimum time is up they will go to a prisons board to decide if they have reformed. If they have then they will be let go. if not or they have committed crimes whilest they were in jail they will be held for an extra 6 months then go to the board again.

18g. If prisons become overpopulated the ones who have committed the most serious crimes will be deported and lose citizenship as long as they have served atleast 50% of their sentence.

19. Abortions will be legal but harder to get. The time limit will be 20 weeks and it will not be paid for on the NHS unless there is a serious problem.

20. Healthcare professionals and teachers will be given free mortgages where their skills are needed. They will also be given free places for their children in creches. Their wages will also be increased by 50%

21. To deal with superbugs we will do what the dutch do and put beds in giant disinfectant things (don't know what they are called but they work) atleast once per week. Matron will also make a comeback.

22. Have a referendum on euthanasia.

23a. Starting from 6 years old children will learn 1 language per year and if they show promise they can carry it on for two years. The first language will be sign language then gaelic, welsh or irish, then french, german or dutch, then chinese, russian or arabic. If all those languages are learned they will then be taught morse code.

23b. In english they will be taught about english poetry and english stories

23c. In history they will be taught about british history and the world wars and will listen to churchill and hitler speeches.

23d. There will be a new lesson called Conspiracy Theories that will be taught for one hour per week. The children will not be told if the conspiracies are wrong but will be encouraged to make up their own minds instead of being told the answer. They will receive arguments for and against the conspiracy

23e. In wood tech they will be taught to make crossbows, bows and arrow and other weapons made from wood.

23f. In PE they will be taught to use bows and arrows and crossbows to hit a moving and none moving target.

(23e and 23f are incase society suddenly brakes down from something like the peak oil crisis and they have to hunt for their own food).

24. Teachers should be trained in atleast two subject including english, maths or science.

25. Races would be taught in separate classes with a teacher that is of the same race whenever possible. This is not racist as studies have proven black children learn better through a hands on approach to education and it would be racist to teach them in a none black way. Just because they are taught in separate classes does not mean they will be taught in separate schools. if children wish they can socialise with other races at break and at dinner time.

26. The railways, RNLI, energy industry, pharmaceutical industry and other needed industries will be nationalised.

27. Reduce fuel tax

28. Ban out of town shopping centres-they encourage car dependence

29. Have variable speed limits on motorways at the discression of the local police force.

30. Instead of subsidising food quantity we will subsidise food quality.

31. Halal meat will be banned

32. Mandatory foreign aid will be stopped. Citizens will then be able to volunteer to give an extra percentage of income in taxes. 60% of which will go to the Adopt a country project. The rest will be saved incase there is a disaster like an earthquake. The adopt a country money will be put into a pot to upgrade one country at a time over a couple of decades. Only democratic and free countries will be considered. This aid will be given on a consultant basis. We will tell them what to spend it on. If they won't spend it on what we want them to spend it on they don't get it. This will be used to make the country better and if it works we will go to the UN and ask all first world countries to do the same on a country of their choice.

33. Only houses with more than one bedroom will be allowed to be built and people will get points based on their circumstances. Once a house is free the one with the most points in that area will be offered it. The points will be graded as followed (this doesn't include bungallows):

Born in country=100
In a same race hetero sexual relationship=50
Can trace ancestry in country back to atleast 1930 on atleast one side of family=40
Living with a child=5 per child
Teacher, health professional, police, firebrigade=4 per year of service
Served in the military=5 per year of service
Prepared to share house with someone=11 (this will allow less homes to be built if people are willing to go into a shared home sceme and will only be open to single people and they will not have a choice of who they are with).
Voted in elections or referendums=2 per election and 1 per referendum.
Served jury duty=3 per times served
Lived in same home=1 per month of living in that homes
Commit a crime=lose half the points that you have

This would rightfully give homes to people born in this country and who can trace their ancestry back to the 1930s and would encourage people to have children. This would also discourage mixed race relationships and homosexuality and rightfully give points to those professions that have helped the country the most eventhough most probably own their own homes.
Instead of living on your own this would discourage you to do that so more homes won't have to be built which destroys the environment.
This would also encourage people to vote at election time and do jury duty and rightfully give homes to those who are working and take away points for people who have committed a crime.
This would award points to people who have done the least moving house.

34. Seeing how so many politicians are traitors they will have to say the following Oath before they run for election:

I hereby solemnly swear that I will defend the freedoms and interests of the British people and put British interests before party loyalty.

As well as that they will have to take a lie detector test three weeks before they election. They will be asked if:

They will defend the interests of the British people
They will defend the freedoms of the British people
They will put British interests before party loyalty

Their answers will be put on the news and the ballot papers near their name so the constituents will know if they are lying.

35. Politicians would be entitled to be paid on a performance basis and this is how:

First time MPs-This would be defined as the first time they won an election in their constituency. Winning the constituency then losing a constituency then winning it again would count as a first time MP:

Find the GDP per capita minus the wealth of the top 1% earners. That would be their yearly income entitlement.

Second time MPs-This would be defined as winning an election in a constituency three times in a row:

Find the GDP per capita minus the wealth of the top 1% earners then double the amount.

Even more wins would increase income by 10% for every election in their constituency they win.

*Those on the winning party would get 5% extra than those that are on the same level.
*Those in the Cabinet would get 10% extra than those on the same level.
*The Prime minister would get 20% extra than those on the same level.

Also just because they are entitled to it doesn't mean they will get it. They will get a percentage of it based on how much time is spent at parliamentary debates and on other jobs that is in a politicians job description. This will be modified for cabinet members. Cabinet members' will be classed as present at parliamentary debates and other jobs if they are on official business like a foreign secretary might be in a foreign country.

This would include the expenses that they receive. If they are only doing their job 15% of the time they will only get 15% of the expenses which they claim. The new expense system would not include stationary, costs of staff wages and computer equipment as they would be reimbursed for 100% of it.

This will mean that if an MP is entitled to £50,000 and he only shows up to parliamentary debates 10% of the time he will only be given £5,000.

All this would make MPs do their jobs better and actually turn up to debates and votes especially if they would face not being paid.

This would mean Tony Blair our Prime minister wouldn't get paid much at all as he has only attended 14% of all votes in parliament. Imagine if he was out in the real world and he only attended work 14% of the time. He would be fired and rightfully so.

This would be a good idea because their income would be based on performance. If they do a good job then they will receive more money.

36. Newspapers would be nationalised. There would then be two newspapers which would be tabloids and broadsheets. A tabloid newspaper and a broadsheet newspaper would be set up for the United Kingdom. Citizens would then elect an editor for the United Kingdom newspapers. Then citizens of each of the countries of the United kingdom would elect one for each of the newspapers who would just do news in the respective countries. They would then do the same for regions and cities.

The editors would be encouraged to make it work because they would receive 25% of the profits. They would be given a price range that they must keep the price of the newspapers in. As well as receiving 25% of the profits if they succeed they will lose money if they don't succeed. If they run into a deficit it will come out of their money.

Editors will be elected once per year.

As well as doing that for newspapers the same will be done for the news channels except the people will be paid a fixed amount and the only people that can be elected for this position are the broadsheet editor and the tabloid editor.

Private newspapers will be allowed to see their papers only two days per month which will be chosen by each editor. Private channels will be allowed 5 mins per day for news and a full day once per month chosen by the tv editor.

Private newspapers and tv news channels will only be allowed to be owned by British citizens.

This would bring to a halt the brainwashing done by the newspapers.

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