Thursday, October 20, 2005

Liam Fox knocked out

Liam Fox, the guy that I thought was best for the job as conservative leader has been voted out of the race to lead them. It is now between David Davis and David Cameron assuring us that unless a miracle happens a David will be leading the party.

At the moment I am moving towards the hope that Cameron will win because he seems the best choice particularly after David Davis made a crappy speech plus the fact that Davis is old is factor. However Cameron might say he is a eurosceptic however he once argued for the European single currency so can we actually trust him?


Michael said...

Never fancied Fox's chances. The media kept describing him as a "right winger" which scares some people. I predict Cameron will win, as I think he's past the worst regarding this cocaine allegation.

By the way, feel free to visit my blog sometime



youdontknowme said...

I have yours bloglinked on my other blog version.