Thursday, July 28, 2005

White guilt

White christians have been given white guilt through the years because of all the atrocities that we supposedly did such as slavery, colonialism and the holocaust but I will prove that the information that we have been told is not fully true or it has been blown out of proportion by the liberals who want whites to feel guilty for what our ancestors may have done.

What we have been lead to believe is untrue. We have been lead to believe that white Christians began slavery which was not the case. White christians didn't even want africans to be brought back as slaves. It was the Jews. No I am not an antisemite. All you have to do is look at the facts.

The fact is large numbers of free Negroes owned black slaves; in fact, in numbers disproportionate to their representation in society at large. In 1860 only a small minority of whites owned slaves. According to the U.S. census report for that last year before the Civil War, there were nearly 27 million whites in the country. Some eight million of them lived in the slaveholding states.

The census also determined that there were fewer than 385,000 individuals who owned slaves (1). Even if all slaveholders had been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites in the country (or 4.8 percent of southern whites owning one or more slaves).

According to federal census reports, on June 1, 1860 there were nearly 4.5 million Negroes in the United States, with fewer than four million of them living in the southern slaveholding states. Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.

To return to the census figures quoted above, this 28 percent is certainly impressive when compared to less than 1.4 percent of all American whites and less than 4.8 percent of southern whites. The statistics show that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters.

The majority of slaveholders, white and black, owned only one to five slaves. More often than not, and contrary to a century and a half of bullwhips-on-tortured-backs propaganda, black and white masters worked and ate alongside their charges; be it in house, field or workshop. The few individuals who owned 50 or more slaves were confined to the top one percent, and have been defined as slave magnates.

In 1860 there were at least six Negroes in Louisiana who owned 65 or more slaves The largest number, 152 slaves, were owned by the widow C. Richards and her son P.C. Richards, who owned a large sugar cane plantation. Another Negro slave magnate in Louisiana, with over 100 slaves, was Antoine Dubuclet*, a sugar planter whose estate was valued at (in 1860 dollars) $264,000 . That year, the mean wealth of southern white men was $3,978.

In Charleston, South Carolina in 1860 125 free Negroes owned slaves; six of them owning 10 or more. Of the $1.5 million in taxable property owned by free Negroes in Charleston, more than $300,000 represented slave holdings . In North Carolina 69 free Negroes were slave owners.

In 1860 the Negro William Ellison was South Carolina's largest slaveowner.

Interestingly, considering today's accounts of life under slavery, authors Johnson and Roak report instances where free Negroes petitioned to be allowed to become slaves; this because they were unable to support themselves.

Further more it was these black slave magnates that were the biggest abusers of slaves.

Whilst the White man sat and ate at the same table as his slaves it was the black man that used the bullwhip.

As you can see it was not us whites that had the most slaves. Per capita blacks were more likely to own slaves. Black people should be the ones getting blamed for having slaves and not the white people.

*After the civil war Antoine Dubuclet served Louisiana as state treasurer from 1868 to 1878, the only negro in the reconstructed South to hold that office for more than one term.

Yes, that is right, after the civil war, and years before the 'civil rights movement' blacks held high office which just shows that even the south wasn't that racist. It shows that If blacks deserved it they got to where they wanted to be, well unless they were owned by another black guy.

You are probably thinking this is irrelevant as you probably think whites were the people who started the slave trade, well you couldn't be more wrong. I don't blame you. Since 1945 we have had constant antiwhite propoganda.

How do I know this? well it is basic stuff. Haven't you been told that Egypt had slaves which was thousands of years before whites owned them?

Now for slavery in modern times which is creating this white guilt. In Africa the tribes had been fighting other tribes for centuries and taking slaves.

Many people credit Bartolome De Las Casas as being the father of slavery. This would be a ridiculous statement at the best of times, as slavery has existed since the dawn of time, and still exists in Africa today, but even if we allow for a statement saying that Bartolome De Las Casas was the father of modern slavery, or slavery in the Americas, we still have a difficulty there.

Bartolome De Las Casas actually often spoke on behalf of non-whites rights. This is recorded in In 1516 when Las Casas returned to Spain to plead the Indians' case with King Ferdinand V.

Following service in New Spain (Mexico), Nicaragua, Peru and Guatemala, he obtained an audience with Charles V. The result of that meeting was promulgation of the Nuevas Leyes de 1542, which dealt a severe blow to the encomienda. Unfortunately, these laws were repeatedly flouted by greedy settlers.

Who were the these settlers though? well by the mid-sixteenth century there were more secret Jews than Catholics in Mexico City.

Bartolome De Las Casas failed in his proposals to introduce blacks as free laborers, not slaves, because of other 'spanish' settlers in the new world, the jewish ones of Mexico city and elsewhere.

As well as the settlers the scheme also failed because of problems at the other end.

When Bartolome De Las Casas first advocated free black labor in the Americas there were a number of black christian converts in Portuguese catholic missions in the country now known as Mozambique who voluntered to work in the new world, but the jewish traders refused to transport them saying they would only transport slaves.

Slavery would not have existed in the Americas without the jews, and yet you hate the White man for this trade.

By the way, while we are talking about Whites and slavery, it's also worth remembering that between 1530 and 1780 more than a million White Europeans were enslaved by North African slave traders so don't be blaming whites for slavery. Even if we did it wouldn't it be fair as whites were taken first?

Ever since Slavery was ended white people have faced blacks that have continually demanded compensation. Even if it was only whites that owned slaves it would only be the rich that actually owned them which would only be a tiny minority of people so why should blacks be given compensation for what a minority of ancestors did? They shouldn't be given a thing. The fact of the matter is the african was better off as a slave than dying in diseased africa.

It is afact that the majority of black slaves were sold into slavery by their own kind. They were captured when opposing tribes fought and were sold as slaves.

Not once is the whiteman to blame. Blacks are the first to blame because they were the ones that captured them first. Jews are the second to blame because they began the modern slave trade.

Whites did not invent slavery, they did not capture or imprison the slaves, they did not sell them, nor transport them, and proportionately they wern't even the greatest owners, but they did free them. Blacks should not be moaning at us. They should be thanking us. Without the whiteman they would never be free today.

So how can we be blamed for their 'suffering' whites took them in, housed them, fed them, clothed them, educated them and in return they expected them to work. Is that such a bad deal?

Maybe now it's time for the black race to repay the white man, not only for all these years of abuse and claims, over things we didn't do, not only to repay the unfairly claimed payments of compensation and welfare, but also to pay the debt of liberation.

If you read this spread the word. If you are blamed for slavery tell them the facts. Don't point them to this blog. Tell them to research it themselves or they will never know if you just tell them. Provide the links but that is it.

The holocaust
For years the jews and liberals have been trying to make whites feel sorry for the jews because of the holcaust. I will give you a reality check. They don't deserve our sympathy. So 6 million jews died. Far more none jews died in the second world war than that so why should we feel sorry for them? The answer is we shouldn't but liberal brainwashing has made us to it. Don't believe me? Then why do we have a holocaust memorial day? its to make us think about the minority that died. Most people don't know that they were a minority though. Most people don't realise that the jews barely just made 10% of the deaths.
It is a fact that communism killed far more people than fascism. Russian communism killed 94 million in peacetime.
We must blame political correctness for white guilt here. Another fact is political correctness was started by communism . We already know that the British government is infiltrated by communists if you see my other articles therefore they are doing this on purpose for some unknown reason. If we tried to have a day dedicated to the people killed by communism we would be ridiculed because they are communists.
There should be no holocaust memorial day. In its place we should have a genocide memorial day. A day dedicated to all genocides including the communist and holocaust genocides.
The jews don't deserve a day of their own to commemorate the dead especially if we also have to commemorate their dead and no one elses.

We have been lead to believe that colonialism harmed the countries that was colonised. This is false. If it did why are Canada, America and Australia such good places to live compared to everywhere else? This is because Africa was a hell hole before colonisation and we made it a little better. If it wasn't for us the native people would have never been able to take advantage of their resources. It is a myth that Africa is a poor continent. It is a fact that Africa is rich in precious rocks and other things. Without the whiteman they would have never known it existed so they would be living worse than they are today. They should be thanking us for showing them ways to take advantage of their resources.

When the Zaire (now called the Democratic Republic of the Congo) became independent in early 1960, it possessed 60,000 km of tarred roads. Today it has less than 9,000 km of tarred roads left. Good roads were one of the things that were left to them after colonialism and look what they did to that.
It is a fact that colonialism gave Africa the ability to speak english, law was also given and the colonies were built up so that the inhabitants wold have a better standard of living. Also near the end of the British empire the colonies as a whole were costing more money than they were making which would mean that Britain were helping the inhabitants a lot and what do the africans do? They go and screw it up. Africa has received half a trillion in aid despite the fact that the World Bank has reported that “Econometric analyses show that aid has no systematic relationship to growth anywhere in the world. This may not be surprising in countries where aid is small relative to the size of the economy. It is surprising and concerning in Africa—where aid flows have consistently reached 10% or more of gross national product in many countries over an extended period of time.”

The fact is we helped africa progress and now the white man isn't there they are screwing up everything we did for them. Aid is not making their situation any better. Africa is hopeless. We should just leave them alone and allow them to progress how they want to. That will probably make them regress for a few decades but that can't be avoided. Colonialism can only be blamed for progressing african nations. Perhaps the progress was too fast for them which is why we should leave them lone and let them progress their own way without any aid at all. They should finally be made to stand on their own two feet.

White people should not feel guilty for anything. The fact is we helped the world. Is it our fault that the africans are too stupid that they are regressing? If they don't want to be our colonies they should be made to stand on their own two feet without anymore aid as we have to be cruel to be kind in this instance.

As for the jews the next one you see that moans about the holocaust justy tell him to shut up and tell him that they weren't the only ones that suffered. Infact they were a minority.

I hope I have cleared somethings up for you and hope you will stop this political correctness and stop going to holocaust rememberance celebrations or whatever. Don't do a minutes silence for the jews. They don't deserve it. Don't donate money for live 8. The africans don't deserve it and it does little good. It might do good for the short term however if you keep donating they will expect to be fed by us constantly and won't even try to make africa a better place which will make africa a forever hell hole. Do you want them to stay that way? If you don't then don't donate to them. Its only going to make matters worse. They have to learn to progress.


Danalyn said...

You make some very interesting and valid points. But I don't think people should *stop* donating altogether. If people want to give, let them give.

BUT people shouldn't give because they feel guilty. They should give because they want to, not because they feel like they have to.

Surfing by way of blogexplosion, btw.

youdontknowme said...

But donating money doesn't help at all in the long term.

Kromma said...

Whats all this about "white" people, that sounds far to RACIST for my taste, and if "people" don't realize the evil and pain they have done, than I say our world's dead already!

youdontknowme said...

lol. how is it racist when it is the truth?

Anonymous said...

rofl, right whine, sure, we didnt take any gold or diamonds from africa, and white men dont own 95% of south africas farming land. and im sure we didnt force opium on china etc etc. you try run a succesful country when you have huge sections of your populous infected with aids because a certain white religious establishment wont allow the use of condoms.

and yeah, sure, everyone enslaved everyone at some point, that doesnt make it right. and you cant compare the numbers in new orleans and assume they are correct for the nationwide wide stats.

you are still a moron cutting and pasting sections from racist, bias and unfactual essays.

Anonymous said...

also, your numbers dont add up right

from your link about north african slave traders -

the number of white slaves taken by them was;

"small compared with the 12 million Africans shipped to the Americas in later years"

you also pick and choose your census dates to take from, taking one from 1860 when slavery was already on the decline is pretty misleading

how many white slaves where there in america?

Anonymous said...

just on the point of the holocaust, so i see you have stopped try to deny its existence or place the number of deaths at 300k.


your number of 94 million killed by 'communism' is taken from many different countries with huge populations.

what% is 20 million of the population of russia?

what% is 65 mill of china?

what% is 6 million of the population of jews in germany/austria.

but yeah, a genocide remeberance day would be great.

youdontknowme said...

We found the gold. There is still gold there. If we didn't take it they would never have known it existed.

do you actually know anything about south africa. I don't think you do.

I got these facts from a couple of weeks ago.

It is a fact that under apartheid south africa was better off. lets see some of these facts:

"Here are the things you will never see in the major news media regarding post-Apartheid South Africa:-
# In 10 years 1+ million South Africans, mostly blacks, lost their jobs due to the ANC's creeping socialism. (Note: The figure of 1 million was valid in 1999. Since then millions more have lost their jobs - but nobody has said exactly how many)
# Unemployment is at a staggering 45%+ - much worse than under white rule & worse than the 30% unemployment in the USA during the Great Depression
# 1 million whites stand to lose their jobs in the coming years to Affirmative Action
# 1,450+ White commercial farmers were murdered & our food production is being threatened by "Land Reform"
# They say by 2014, 30% of commercial farmland will be owned by blacks
though I think it will happen much sooner & on a much bigger scale
# 115,000 land claims by blacks have been processed so far - and millions of hectares of land have been handed over to them
# There are farms in South Africa, which were prosperous when run by whites, which were handed over to blacks. These farms then collapsed after 2+ years of black management and are now derelict
# We are the rape capital of the world... it is conservatively estimated that we have 50,000 rapes per annum
# 21,500 children were raped in 2000
# 40% of rape survivors are under 18...
# 1,231 children under 5 were raped in 13 months by blacks believing in AIDS myths. Many babies who are raped die...
# We are now an international drug-smuggling route, comparable to Colombia...
# We export cannabis grown by blacks...
# We are the largest users of mandrax in the world...
# 150-200 Police are shot dead annually by violent criminals...
# Our Police have the highest suicide rate in the world...
# Our society is 7 times more violent (per capita) than the USA...
# In violent crimes, we match Russia & Colombia...
# Crime is so high the Govt put a moratorium on the release of crime statistics for a year & fudged them ever since...
# The Democratic Alliance (conservatively) estimates there are 300,000 robberies per annum
# Our prisons are often filled to capacity (170,000+) & then thousands are let go, sometimes without being charged...
# In January 2004, it was reported that some of our prisons are 300% over capacity...
# In March 2004, it was reported that the prison population was 180,000...
# Mandela's "Birthday Present" to the country (yes they used those words), was to release 9,000 criminals...
# Murderers have been "forgiven" by our Presidents, only to murder again...
# On 3rd March 2004, on SABC TV3 News it was announced that to "Celebrate Ten Years of Democracy" they might let thousands of prisoners go free...
# More prisons have been built after Apartheid but even that is not enough to cope with the crime wave...
# More blacks are in our prisons after Apartheid than before. (They no longer fear the Police)...
# The ANC LOVES criminals. They gave them the vote! It was announced that over 100,000 prisoners would be registered & allowed to vote
# Some criminals were afraid of being registered to vote. They feared if their finger-prints were taken they'd be implicated in other yet undiscovered crimes!!
(My question is how they can be in prison in the first place without being fingerprinted!!
Strange things happen in this country!)
# We had 10 years of peace, with no international sanctions and yet, the much-awaited boom never came
# Our socialist economy dribbles along. GDP growth is estimated at 1.3% per annum which compares weakly with (sometimes) double digit growth rates under white rule.
# The Democratic Alliance estimates that 6% GDP growth is possible even now if the economy was run better.
# In the Johannesburg (Gauteng) area, 80% of self-help schemes for blacks have failed since 1994
# Let there be no illusions where the ANC wants to take us. They support & give money to: Zimbabwe, Haiti & DRC (Zaire) who are ruled by Socialist Dictators who suppress even the blacks!
# In the April 2004 election the ANC finally attained its goal of getting 66% vote
# This means they can change the constitution at will and no other political party can stop them
# This is what Robert Mugabe was able to do before he took 95% of the land from 4,500 white farmers
# The ANC got 70% of the votes (although the IFP complained that there were 42 election irregularities in KwaZulu/Natal alone)
# Now that we are officially, and legally the latest One Party State in Africa, we will walk the path of others like Zimbabwe where eventually nobody, not even the blacks, have any freedom any more...
# South Africa's economy, employment & crime rates were better when the world hated us and we had civil strife
# In the end, the only winners were the handful of the new Wealthy Black Super Elite..."

don't start blaming the whites for how africa is. They have had freedom for decades and all they could do was make the place worse than it was.

FYI christianity is for everyone not just whites so don't blame that.

I have never denied the existance of the holocaust. I have said that I think about 3 million died but I am working with "facts" everyone knows.