Friday, September 09, 2005

British countryside being destroyed

Thirty years from now the English countryside will be all but lost.

In Thirty years the landscape will be blotched with housing, while that which remains of open land will be riddled with fairways, paddocks and shimmering polythene.

The report by the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England is based on a series of damaging trends.

Among them are a greatly expanded house-building programme, a huge growth of freight distribution, major expansion of airports and a decline in farming.

It says that traffic is growing faster on rural roads than in urban areas and that about 21 square miles of countryside, an area the size of Southampton, is lost to development every year.

Why is Labour making this worse? Anyone with even half a brain knows that more immigration=more housing=more of our countrside lost. Why is Labour doing nothing about the issue and just making things worse? Shouldn't we be stopping immigration so we can save what we have left of our countryside?

Why would we need to expand airports? Why can't the Labour government find ways to reduce air travel such as taxing aviation fuel like they tax other fuel? This would increase the cost of flying thus reducing demand thus reducing the need for bigger airports. This would then stop the countryside from being concreted over. Why hasn't Blair thought of this? If he actually cared for the environment he would do this but as we can see Blair just doesn't give a crap. In about two more years he can quit as prime minister and retire in a foreign country.

We can't wait much longer. Thirty years isn't that long of a time. We need to start doing things about it now. It is obvious that Labour doesn't care enough to do it.

Another problem that taxing aviation fuel would solve is fuel protests that are due to happen tomorrow. Campaigning group Fuel Lobby has already vowed to blockade every refinery in the country if the Government fails to cut petrol tax.

Why not cut petrol tax and make up the financial shortfall by taxing aviation fuel? This would solve both problems without losing the tax money which the country needs.

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