Sunday, November 19, 2006


From the
BNP site:

A very unpleasant story this afternoon from our SE England Regional Organiser - a story that is typical of these debased times and one that should have the blood boiling in the veins of every true Briton!

Yet another injustice against our people.

In the BNP we are used to some horrendous stories of injustice and prejudice against the indigenous population but what follows beggars belief!

The story starts in the first week of October when there was rioting in the Dedworth area of Windsor. This was centred on a Muslim owned dairy in which, without planning consent, a section was being used as an Islamic Centre. Those using it were not only blocking the access for residents but also verbally abusing them.

With this heightened tension, the spark that ignited the rioting was when a 15-year old boy was assaulted by young adults from the centre. His sister went to remonstrate with them and she was physically assaulted and her car wrecked, over £3,000 of damage was done by Muslim males wielding iron bars and baseball bats.

By an extraordinary coincidence the mother of the brother and sister happened upon the scene as she was walking their dog. She too was assaulted!

Police reluctant to act!

Initially, the police declined to take any action at all. When pressed they condescended to take notes and report it, but not as a racially motivated incident. They informed the two females that, as they could not recognise their assailants - there was nothing they, the Police, could do!

After a period of weeks, and once the situation had calmed down, at the request of our local members we leafleted the area. There were 34 activists out, and such was our reception, that we were being stopped on the street and asked for leaflets. To date we have had over 100 enquiries and membership applications – as recently reported on by the British National Party’s Regional Voices.

Cries for help from public

However, what was particularly disturbing was that within hours our help line was receiving calls, mainly from elderly women who just wanted someone to talk to and to listen to their fears and problems. In some cases I was on the phone to individuals for over an hour reassuring them that we would be able to help if there was more trouble and just to call the number. Interestingly, none of the callers wanted to talk to their local councillors because they felt betrayed by them, that their fears were not understood and that they would be dismissed as `racist`!

Last week I received a rather strange call on the help line from a close friend of a person who had been charged with an offence under our oppressive race laws, requesting a meeting and the help of the BNP.

Ex-serviceman with disturbing tale to tell

I duly arrived at the appointed time and place and met the close friend. The person I was due to meet eventually arrived well over an hour and half late and carrying a plastic bag with some items in it.

I was then told the most strange and disturbing story:

The person I met was a male, obviously not well and aged, I thought, about 60. Three days after the assaults and after playing darts in the local pub, having had a large number of beers he was walking home and his route took him past the scene of the assaults. As he did a reporter came out of the shadows and accosted him, asking him what his feelings were about the incident. In rather robust and salty language he replied that he had fought them in Iraq and it now appeared he had to fight them in his neighbourhood.

Others came out of the shadows and promptly arrested him, kept him in a police cell and eventually charged him with a `race` crime!

As I have said, the man was obviously unwell and yet he told me that the police had denied him his medication, despite his requests for such, for a considerable period of time.

Exemplary history of service to our country

Now we come to the most appalling and disgraceful part of this story.

The man is actually aged 44, has spent 24 years in the Army and is broken by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - for which he is on constant medication. He is managing to hold down a job in security with the MoD.

His Army career included 4 tours of Northern Ireland, Kosovo and the Gulf War. The plastic bag contained a scrapbook in pristine condition, with all his discharge papers and recommendations from his CO to any prospective employers, plus his service medals - including his Long Service and Good Conduct Medal.

He has an exemplary record and has never been in trouble.

By the most bizarre coincidence he also happens to be the father of the two youngsters assaulted and the estranged husband of the assaulted woman! And, as he was walking past the scene, he was thinking of what had previously happened there when he was accosted by the reporter.

Ex-soldier charged under Race Act

He has now been charged and is due to appear in Court on 20th December. He cannot even begin to think about Christmas as he is worried sick about what is going to happen to him and, as he was telling me all this, he was close to tears.

He then told me that only 5 days previously he was at the Remembrance Service standing proudly in his Sunday Best, wearing his Medals and remembering the mates he had lost. At this point he burst into tears, threw his medals across the floor, and asked why no one cared about him when he had given his life and health to the service of his country?

What could I say! I was nearly in tears myself, as I am whilst I write this.

How a person, an old soldier be treated like this? What is our country coming to?

Why did the Police not console him, take him home and make him a cup of tea?

My promise to him was that I would do all I could.

We need to publicise this nationwide.

We need to demonstrate outside the Court.

We need to make sure that those in authority responsible for this travesty are held to account!

South East England BNP may be contacted by email.

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