Friday, November 24, 2006

Ten things I would never do

The ten things I would never do seems to be heading around the blogosphere like a plague and it looks like I have been tagged with it by Dark Heretic.

So here goes…

The ten things I would never do are

  1. Vote Labour
  2. Vote conservative
  3. Eat Cheese
  4. Support the EU
  5. Retake my science GCSE
  6. Smoke
  7. Live in London
  8. Finish a ‘top ten things I would never do’ list.

I tag these people to do a top ten list:

Islamanazi, BNP Home, Ranting Stan, Battle For Britain, BNP and me, and Nationalist News

HAHA. Looks like I have given you all the plague. MUAHAHAHA


The Bournemouth Nationalist said...

Are there any rules to this?
Like does it have to be a top ten things I would never do or could I make my own top ten list up?

Help me out here, I have so many lists I could choose!!

youdontknowme said...

Top ten things you would never do

BFB said...

I'll take you up on that when I get time, it should be fun seeing what other bloggers come up with.

The Bournemouth Nationalist said...

10 Things I would never do

1. Debate with anonymous
2. Argue Against the restoration of the death penalty
3.Take life for granted
4. Swear at my children or grandchildren
5. Send my army into an illegal war
6. Invite every waif and stray to live in my house
7. Take a bribe
8. Format all my hard drives at the same time
9. Legalise the buggering of young boys and girls
10. Go naked tree felling

Stan said...

I'm afraid my top ten things are rather boring and predictable.

1 I'll have no other gods before God
2 I won't worship false idols
3 I won't misuse God's name
4 I won't work on Sundays
5 I won't dishonour my mum and dad.
6 I won't commit murder.
7 I won't commit adultery
8 I won't steal
9 I won't give false evidence
10 I won't covet anything my neighbour's got (except, maybe, his Triumph Stag - always wanted a Stag)