Sunday, November 19, 2006

Political test

Just took this short political quiz and it appears I am a liberal. Who knew I was a liberal especially when I support the BNP?

The RED DOT on the Chart shows where you fit on the political map.

Your PERSONAL issues Score is 70%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 20%

Hat tip: Devil’s Kitchen


alanorei said...

Looks like I'm a Centrist. My scores were 50%, 50%.

I think if they'd had a box on internationalism and especially 'multicultism,' I'd have definitely progressed to right of centre.

youdontknowme said...

Basically we only become rightwing when multiculturalism is mentioned.

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Stan said...

Apparently I'm a centrist too. However, I found it very difficult to score me as a conservative. It was only when I said I disagreed with the idea that there should be no laws for sex between consenting adults that I finally managed it.

I guess the premise is that if you're a conservative, you must be anti-gay.

ba ba said...

I got 60% 60%, so thats a slight libertarian leaning.

youdontknowme said...

Every political test I take I come either as a centrist or slightly to the left of centre. I think its because on some issues I am rightwing and on other I am left so it balances out in the end.