Monday, July 09, 2007

One man crime spree gets ASBO

What happens when to commit 40% of the crime in your area? Well if the experience of Kyle Ivison is anything to go by you get an ASBO banning you from doing certain things including some things that are already illegal as far as I know (you would think the law would actually ban him from doing those things). I think these are already illegal. Please correct me if I am wrong:

  1. Prohibited from causing harassment, alarm or distress
  2. Must not enter premises from which he has been excluded (trespassing?)
  3. Must not remain in any premises having been asked to leave
  4. Must not consume or be in possession of any intoxicant in a public place
  5. Must not be present in a public place while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs

As far as I can see the ASBO is just banning him from doing things which are already banned. Am I wrong?

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