Thursday, May 10, 2007

50,000 a month

The number of visitors from Eastern
Europe has risen by a quarter since Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU, a Government survey has revealed.

The first count taken since the beginning of the year shows there were around 50,000 arrivals each month from the two new members.

The count, at ports and airports, suggests that warnings of a new flood of immigrants could be coming true.

In the first three months of 2006 the number of visitors from Eastern Europe - the eight countries including Poland that came into the EU in April 2004 - was 540,000.

But in the first three months of this year, after Romania and Bulgaria joined, the number rose to 680,000, an increase of 25 per cent.

In March 2007 some 230,000 visitors arrived from the member countries of Eastern Europe, 57,000 more than in the same month last year.

Can the people who want mass immigration not see what damage this will do to the country? We already have a housing shortage. Getting more people to come to this country is irresponsible. We do not need them.

Mass immigration causes nothing but problems from crime to housing shortages. Anyone who thinks mass immigration is good needs mental help.

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