Sunday, December 17, 2006

Proof: Labour can't do anything right

Labour has no chance of winning the next Election because voters think the Government is a shambles - and there is little Gordon Brown can do to stop David Cameron becoming Prime Minister.

That is the devastating verdict of a secret Downing Street memo drawn up for Tony Blair by his senior advisers and obtained by The Mail on Sunday.

The confidential document states:

- Labour's standing is so low that the party's only hope of recovering may be to abandon Mr Brown and 'move to a new generation' by picking a much younger new leader - though it warns of the perils of being 'disloyal' to the 'greatly respected' Chancellor.

- The public believes the party is riven by 'internal conflicts' and shows a 'lack of grip and competence on key issues' such as Iraq, the NHS and immigration.

Well I am glad it’s not just me that can see that Labour have made a total balls-up of the country. On every issue that affects Britain I cannot see what they have succeeded at except for destroying Britain. Seriously, what have Labour made any better?


Anonymous said...

I feel sinister undertones. What is Blair upto?.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, what have Labour made any better?
Everything there ideology set out to make better.

youdontknowme said...

"Everything there ideology set out to make better."
