Monday, December 04, 2006


Trident is in the news a lot recently. Blair is going to do the right thing (for once) and replace our nuclear weapons and he is also going to reduce the number to about 160.

I don’t think we need as much as 160. I would decrease it to 75-100. If there is a need for more then we should make more in the future but I see no reason to have more than 100.


alanorei said...

In the meantime, nulab fails to fund our conventional forces adequately and robs troops of their bonuses for serving overseas, while still voting themselves pay rises and large expense accounts.

Something is not right...

Dark_Heretic said...

I agree with the replacement of Trident or at the very least keeping some nuke deterrent. This should make the terror supporting states think twice.

I also agree with alanorei that nulab has shafted our armed forces ever since they've been in power. They seriously need to give our armed forces the equipment to do the jobs being asked of them properly. The man power to be at safe levels of operation and pay commensurate to fantastic job they do.