Sunday, March 25, 2007

Benefits sent to foreign countries

THOUSANDS of Britons are receiving government sickness benefits while living abroad, many of them in holiday hotspots.

More than 12,000 UK citizens receive a combined total of £46m a year in benefits while living in places such as Spain, Jamaica and Cyprus.

A quarter of those claiming sickness benefit or incapacity benefit (IB) from outside Britain live in Spain, while 1,600 live in France, and hundreds more live in Malta, Jamaica, Italy and Cyprus.

Why are we giving benefits to people who don’t even live in this country? Brits living in foreign countries can’t exactly be poor so why can’t they pay for themselves? We could save tens of millions per year if we told them to either come back or stop receiving benefits. Why can’t they receive benefits from the country they are in? We give Poles child benefit and many other benefits.

Hat Tip: Burning Our Money.

1 comment:

alanorei said...

Agreed. Yet more gov't treachery.