Sunday, April 01, 2007

The abuction of our sailors

I have not blogged about the standoff with Iranbut what I have just read makes me change my mind. According to The New York Post our navy knew the navy personnel were being taken and were able to fight them off but were ordered by our government to stand down and allow the abductions to take place.

This is consistent with reports that I am hearing about that show that Americais preparing to launch an attack on Iran in a week or 2.

Could the abductions just be a reason to attack Iran? Were the navy personnel just treated like canon fodder so they could be abducted and an attack staged as retaliation?

The British government have either acted in a treacherous and cowardly way by not trying to get our troops back or they have acted in a deceitful and treacherous way. Either way they have betrayed this country and it’s military but treason is normal for Labour politicians.

Hat tip: The Last Ditch

1 comment:

alanorei said...

"Could the abductions just be a reason to attack Iran? Were the navy personnel just treated like canon fodder so they could be abducted and an attack staged as retaliation?"

Yes. Precedents are the Waco Massacre, 1993, 9/11 and December 7th, 1941. See, for Pearl Harbour and other provocations leading to war:


Ironically, the US entry into WW2 largely stemmed from business concerns that the Japanese advance was getting too close to US oil interests in SE Asia and the Philippines.

Too many questions about 9/11 remain unanswered. Even the BBC reported one of the 'terrorists' as being seen alive after 9/11.

Virtually all British Governments since the end of WW2 have been deceitful and treacherous. Thatcher, for example, betrayed Rhodesia (Lancaster House Agreement), Ulster (Anglo-Irish Agreement) and the whole of Britain (Single European Act).

(She may have been conned about the SEA but she is an extremely astute individual, too clever to be fully conned, I suggest.)

I think history will reveal that British Intelligence knew that Argentina was intent on invading the Falklands but it was allowed to happen to allow Thatcher to send the task force and thus bolster up her popularity at home.

(I seem to recall something of this sort has been mooted already.)

I think she got the boot for 'telling on' the Bildebergers in retaliation for not being rewarded sufficiently, in her opinion, for her part in the betrayal of Britain.

Possibly Tone and co. hope to be rewarded for facilitating an attack on Iran.

Our service personnel are definitely pawns in the grand strategy.