Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tories pledge to send jobless youths to bootcamps

Jobless youngsters would be sent to employment ‘boot camps’ after three months on the dole under Tory plans.

Claimants between 18 and 21 would have to attend intensive courses run by charities and private firms in compiling CVs, job interview techniques and workplace skills.

Those still without work after a year would be forced to pick up litter, clean graffiti or carry out other tasks in the community in return for their £46.85-a-week handouts.

Anyone who refuses to comply will lose the money.

This is actually a decent policy from the Tories, however you have to stop large scale immigration first. People don’t want to work just to put a roof over their heads. They want to have enough money to be able to go out and enjoy themselves and while immigration pushes down wages they won’t be able to do that.

So first immigration must be stopped then young people who are out of work should be sent to these camps. If they refuse to go they can starve. It is up to them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The jobless get punished and sex offenders get to worek in our schools, that's sounds like the Tories.