Sunday, October 22, 2006

It's official: BBC is biased

It was the day that a host of BBC executives and star presenters admitted what critics have been telling them for years: the BBC is dominated by trendy, Left-leaning liberals who are biased against Christianity and in favour of multiculturalism.

A leaked account of an 'impartiality summit' called by BBC chairman Michael Grade, is certain to lead to a new row about the BBC and its reporting on key issues, especially concerning Muslims and the war on terror.

It reveals that executives would let the Bible be thrown into a dustbin on a TV comedy show, but not the Koran, and that they would broadcast an interview with Osama Bin Laden if given the opportunity. Further, it discloses that the BBC's 'diversity tsar', wants Muslim women newsreaders to be allowed to wear veils when on air.

At the secret meeting in London last month, which was hosted by veteran broadcaster Sue Lawley, BBC executives admitted the corporation is dominated by homosexuals and people from ethnic minorities, deliberately promotes multiculturalism, is anti-American, anti-countryside and more sensitive to the feelings of Muslims than Christians.

In one of a series of discussions, executives were asked to rule on how they would react if the controversial comedian Sacha Baron Cohen ) known for his offensive characters Ali G and Borat - was a guest on the programme Room 101.

On the show, celebrities are invited to throw their pet hates into a dustbin and it was imagined that Baron Cohen chose some kosher food, the Archbishop of Canterbury, a Bible and the Koran.

Nearly everyone at the summit, including the show's actual producer and the BBC's head of drama, Alan Yentob, agreed they could all be thrown into the bin, except the Koran for fear of offending Muslims.

In a debate on whether the BBC should interview Osama Bin Laden if he approached them, it was decided the Al Qaeda leader would be given a platform to explain his views.

We pay our license fee so these people can deliberately force multiculturalism down our throats and even commit treason by giving Bin Laden a platform to spew his hatred.

They hate Christianity and would rather have Islam.

The license payers pay for this treasonous Dhimmi organisation so we should have a say on how it is run. If we have to pay a license fee we should have a say in how it is run. I say we have a minister for the BBC who shall say what we have on the BBC and purge the BBC of all traitors and multiculturalists that refuse to stop their biased reporting and biased programme making. If they want to have a job they should change their ways or find somewhere else to work.


alanorei said...

Gives the lie to the notion that the BBC is controlled by Jews. Even if they hated Christianity, why would Jews promote Islam?

This is also interesting, from a paper I wrote recently.

Albert Close was a Protestant Christian historian. He revealed that when Oxford Don, Mr R.H. Crossman, was investigating the pre-war Hitlerian blood purges, he was told repeatedly, “The pope [is] behind all the trouble” [1] p 39.

Mr Crossman attempted to broadcast this from Berlin in July 1934, via the BBC. The broadcast was suddenly cut off when he mentioned the pope. No explanation was ever given. The then BBC Chairman, Lord Reith, was part of the cover-up.

That BBC cover-up helped bring about WW2. 55,000,000 dead, 500,000 Britons.

It is no accident...that the present-day director-general of the BBC is Mark Thompson, who is a Catholic, as is Mark Byford, his deputy.

Thompson is said to be the most influential lay Catholic in Britain[2] . No doubt he is."


1. Jesuit Plots from Elizabethan to Modern Times, by Albert Close.

2. Top 100 Most Influential Catholics, Ekklesia web site

youdontknowme said...

I don't think there is any conspiracy. Its just that without a proper owner (we dont count because we have no say) the reporters developed their own agenda and as they rose through the ranks they received influence in things like hiring and firing and only hired those that thought like them.

alanorei said...

Re: conspiracy, it is always difficult to determine from the outside looking in.

But something sinister was definitely going on in 1934.

Also, author Adrian Hilton declared the EU to be a Vatican conspiracy, in his book The Principality and Power of Europe.

He was the Tory candidate for Slough but Cardinal Cormac Murphy O'Conner's office put enough pressure on the Tory party to have Hilton deselected and a former Times journalist, Sheila Gunn, imposed in his place. (She had also been a press agent for John Major.)

The Guardian and The Times reported on this in detail but in a very matter-of-fact tone, with none of the venom against Rome that is usually levelled at the BNP.

So I have to conclude, there is still something going on, when a Catholic clergyman, who as yet has no privilege of sitting in the House of Lords, can influence a mainstream political party in this way.

youdontknowme said...

If it is the vatican why would they allow so many muslims to enter europe?
why would the pope apologise for insulting muhammed.

There might be something to it but I doubt its still going on now. we do have an MP in the cabinet that is a member of opus die though.

alanorei said...

If it is the vatican why would they allow so many muslims to enter europe?

To cause destabilisation, alarm and despondency and prompt native Europeans to look more earnestly to the pope as their 'godfather' and protector. (There are still 199,000,000 Catholics in Europe and 61,000,000 Protestants - these too will be encouraged to look to the pope as leader, because most Protestant clergy are ecumenical and useless.)

During the Spanish Civil War, the Vatican orchestrated the invasion of Spain by 4,000,000 Muslims. These Muslims massacred many Spanish Catholics sympathetic to the Republican movement and ensured Franco's victory for Fascism, which the Vatican was backing at that time.

why would the pope apologise for insulting muhammed.

He didn't really apologise - only expressed regret that he had been 'misunderstood.'

Note that in 1981, a top Muslim hit man, Mehmet Ali Agca, shot the pope at close range but did not kill him. The pope was later photographed forgiving Ali Agca and thus gaining great sympathy with the Muslim world - both religions believe in the Virgin Mary as a senior deity, they aren't all that far apart ideologically.

The whole thing was a Jesuit set-up, to help win over the Muslims and President Reagan, who had also been shot.

As indicated, the pope's recent remarks will help win over the Protestants to Rome - a few more Muslim atrocities will act as a spur in that direction.

His 'apology' will help maintain good relationships with Islam at street level - though even the violent reaction here (in which a nun was killed) might have been Jesuit-orchestrated.

youdontknowme said...

you could be right but with more and more people not going to church a lot of people won't care about the pope anyway