Sunday, September 30, 2007

Asylum 4 hide in Blair motor

A Government race adviser closely linked to Cherie Blair has been arrested over allegations that illegal immigrants were smuggled into
Britain to work for her restaurant chain.

Nighat Awan, 52, was detained 'on suspicion of conspiracy to facilitate illegal immigration'.

How do we know Tony Blair isn’t involved in this? He probably isn’t but the fact that 4 asylum seekers sneaked into Britain on the back of a lorry carrying Tony Blair’s new official car does make me suspicious.


alanorei said...


If it looks like a rattlesnake, moves like a rattlesnake and hisses like a rattlesnake, it probably isn't a hedgehog.

But then, you ought not to be too judgemental...

youdontknowme said...

I'll try not to be.