Sunday, September 16, 2007

Labour silencing film makers

COMEDIAN Steve Coogan has abandoned plans to make a movie that ridiculed John Prescott after a menacing phone call to staff at his film company.

The caller claimed to be a Labour Party official and said the Prescott film had to be ditched – or they would face dire financial consequences with a withdrawal of Government funding.

Coogan’s company, Baby Cow Productions, has taken the threat so seriously it is playing down its involvement with the project known as Dustbingate.

The film script tells the true story of how former Deputy Prime Minister Mr Prescott was engulfed in a scandal involving allegations of corrupt council house property deals in his Hull constituency.

Yet again the Labour party have shown that they can’t handle any opposition to what they do. They have done the same to many others and I have blogged about what they have done. It’s time we had a government that valued free speech and never did everything that was in their power to stifle free speech.

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